Southern Route

10 días / 9 noches  

Puerto Montt – Mechuque – San Pedro – Puerto Gala – Seno Magdalena – Estero Pangal – Isla Jéchica – Puerto Melinka – Queilen – Quemchi – Puerto Montt 

We will set sail to our first destination, Mechuque, a small island at the Butachauques archipelago. Here it is the picturesque and well-known Don Paulino Museum, founded in 1994 and which preserves traditional objects of the Chiloé culture. We will walk around the island to end the day with a typical dish at a restaurant in the local community.  

On the next morning, we will continue our journey sailing in between islands and channels to San Pedro, at the southern end of Chiloé, getting ready to sail the great Corcovado Gulf.  

On our next day, we will cross the Corcovado Gulf to the Aysén region sailing through the Moraleda channel and heading south to Puerto Gala, on Toto Island. Here we will take an incredible walk through its beautiful walkways.   

Our 4th day will be sailing through the Jacaf and Puyuhuapi channels, to reach the Magdalena bosom where we will walk along its coast observing the flora and fauna of the place. You will be able to distinguish the Ciprés de las Guaitecas (Pilgerodendron uviferum), Canelo (Drimys winteri) and Luma (Amomyrtus luma) among others and, if we are lucky, we will be able to see Coypu, Dodgy and Cormorans.  

Our navigation today is going to be through the Puyuhuapi and Moraleda channels heading north to the Pangal estuary to anchor and spend the night in this beautiful and quiet place only listening the sound of nature.  

On the next day we will cross the Moraleda channel from east to west to reach Jéchica Island, where the tourist center “Isla Jéchica Marina and Refugio” is located. Here you will be able to hire some of the activities offered by them according to the time of year.  

On the 7th day, we will set sail from Jéchica Island heading north to the archipelago of Las Guaitecas, anchoring in Melinka, its capital, which in the past was inhabited by the Chonos, nomad people dedicated mainly to fishing. Here you can go ashore to walk around this small town.  

At dawn, we will set sail to cross the Corcovado Gulf back to Queilen, which means red cipres. It is also known as Tail Point because of its geography, its the only town on the Chiloé island that has sea on both sides, east and west direction.  

On the day before the last, we will continue north to arrive at Quemchi, a small town that stands out for its crafts in fabrics and wood. It was named as the ”Commune of a Thousand Landscapes” by the chilean writer Francisco Coloane.   

Finally, on our last day together we will sail heading the bow towards Puerto Montt enjoying a unique view, which is to observe the coast from the sea, taking with us an unforgettable experience aboard the Omega Centauro IV yacht.