Chiloé Insular Route

4 días / 3 noches  

Puerto Montt – Mechuque – Quehui – Dalcahue – Puerto Montt  

Our adventure begins sailing the Tenglo channel heading south to cross the Ancud Gulf. Immediately after the crossing is the Butachauques archipelago and our first destination; Mechuque Island, where we will taste a typical dish of the Chiloé cuisine prepared by local tenants, after having toured the island and visited the well-known Don Paulino Museum, that preserves representative objects of the local culture

On the next day we will navigate between channels and around different islands until we reach the wonderful Quehui Island. Here we will go walking to visit the town and take pictures of its landscapes, as well as its church and its picturesque cemetery, typical of Chiloé.

From Quehui we will set sail to Dalcahue, which means City of Dalcas, which were the boats used by the Chonos, a nomadic people who lived from fishing and hunting. Here it is the largest and most famous artisan market of the island, which we will visit and get to know all their handmade craft. Next to the market there is a large palafito and inside there are various typical kitchens of the area where we can try some of their cooking.

On our last day, we will head north, crossing the Ancud Gulf again to call in Puerto Montt, taking with us an unforgettable experience aboard the Omega Centauro IV yacht.